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Much of my work is about self-awareness and self-development. Hopefully, you'll use this material to help you create a personal vision, and a strategic plan for realizing that vision. I invite you to dream big dreams and aim high.

Self-awareness is something that comes about through being open and being awake to the possibilities of the here-and-now. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go There You Are; Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life, "Our minds are such that we are often more asleep than awake to the unique beauty and possibilities of each present moment as it unfolds." Jon Kabat-Zinn continues:

"TRY: Seeing your own life this very day as a journey and as an adventure. Where are you going? What are you seeking? Where are you now? What stage as of the journey have you come to? If your life were a book, what would you call it today? What would you entitle the chapter you are in right now? Are you stuck here in certain ways? Can you be fully open to all the energies at your disposal at this point? Note that this journey is uniquely yours, no one else's. So the path has to be your own. You cannot imitate somebody else's journey and still be true to yourself. Are you prepared to honor your uniqueness in this way? ... can you commit to lighting your path with mindfulness and awareness? Can you see ways in which you could easily get stuck, or have in the past?"

You may approach this class as simply another class in your program, and desire only course credit and some added knowledge. If that is your goal, that is perfectly all right. If however, you want to use this course as a major vehicle for personal growth you will find ample opportunity here.

The following is a self-awareness exercise called Do-Get-Be-Act. If taken seriously, it can help you answer the three most important questions (your own personal gap analysis) in your life.

What are the three most important questions? I'm glad you asked. The questions are:

1. Where am I at the present time? The answer to this question reflects accurate self-awareness.

2. Where am I going? The answer to this question reflects a personal vision.

3. How do I get there? The answer to this question reflects a strategic plan for personal and professional success.

Much of what I do these days involves executive coaching. Nothing in my professional career has been more rewarding than to be actively involved in the growth of others. That is my primary motivation for teaching this class. Over the past few years, I have seen many business people set their sights on lofty goals and achieve greater success than they had ever previously imagined. I encourage you, once again, to aim high.

The exercise follows. I've provided my own personal example as a guide. You could actually use this exercise for several different aspects of your personal and professional life.


(There are four sections to this exercise. On a sheet of paper or your computer screen, you may use as much space as you need)


This section is for your personal vision. Imagine your life as you fully want it to be at some point in the future. What do you see yourself doingYou may use this section for one specific goal or for a cluster of related goals.


Once you are doing what you want to do, what will be the benefit? What's the reward or payoff? What's the result of doing that makes it all worthwhile?


How will you have to be in ways that constitute a major stretch for you? Do you need a new way of being that would constitute a paradigm shift? Are there radically different ways of being that directly contribute to doing what you want to do and getting what you want to get?


Finally, how will you have to act on a daily or ongoing basis so that you wind up doing what you want to do, and getting what you want to get, and being the way you want to be? How do you have to discipline yourself to have consistent, routine, and well practiced daily or ongoing actions that steadily contribute to the results you really want and value in your life? What are the tasks on your six month list? Refine it down to a one month list? One week list? Rank order and schedule the items on your one week list.


The following is an example of the Do/Get/Be/Act strategy drawn from my own experience. I used this strategy as written several years ago when I first read Sidney Simon's book, Getting Unstuck. It has proven to be extremely useful in helping me find a path and stick to it. For at least two years I carried a copy of this exercise in my eyeglass case as a constant reminder. I have stayed on track,  the vision has been largely realized.


This column Is for your personal vision. Imagine your life in as you fully want it to be at some point in the future. What to do you see yourself doing? 

What I most want to do is help people grow and develop. As I look back on the last 40 years of my life I realize that the central theme and passion has been growing people (INFP). I see myself in the future shifting away from my clinical practice and devoting my professional life to personal and executive coaching, conducting people programs within organizations, and to writing and program development. I will work largely from my home.


Once you are doing what you want to do, what will be the benefit? What's the reward or payoff? What's the result of doing that makes it all worthwhile?

My payoff will be in having greater professional satisfaction, greater income, reduced expenses, more time for creative work, and most importantly, more time to spend with my wife Robin and our Dalmatians Buddy, Burnie, and Charli, enjoying our home in the mountains. In short, greater freedom and quality of life than has been the case running a psychotherapy practice.


How will you have to be in ways that constitute a major stretch for you? Do you need a new way of being that would constitute a paradigm shift? Are there radically different ways of being that directly contribute to doing what you want to do and getting what you want to get?

To realize my goals, I must purposefully limit my activities to those things that directly contribute to my personal vision. I must be purposeful, committed, and focused. I tend to be scattered, charging off in this direction and that direction as interesting ideas present themselves. I must narrow my goals, ignoring other enticing opportunities, and persevere to full goal attainment. Additionally, I need to get out of my introverted comfort zone (my comfortable office) and spend time networking and marketing.


Finally, how will you have to act on a daily or ongoing basis so that you wind up doing what you want to do, and getting what you want to get and being the way you want to be? How do you have to discipline yourself to have consistent, routine, and well practiced daily or ongoing behaviors that steadily contribute to the results you really want and value in your life? What are the tasks on your six month list? One month list? One week list? Rank order and schedule the items on your one week list.

I must have a routine each day that includes time spent furthering my personal vision. The tendency has always been to fill my time with being "busy," regardless of long-term payoff or strategic importance. I must set aside time each day for reading and personal development, program planning, writing, and networking. These activities must constitute my primary work-life priority. At the same time, I must practice what Stephen Covey, in his Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, calls "sharpening the saw." Good health care behaviors, including exercise, nutrition, rest and recreation, along with tending to the important relationships in my life, are absolutely essential to future well-being.

There you have it! Please take it seriously. The results may be quite profound.

*Suggested by Sidney Simon, in his book Getting Unstuck

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